Security and external services
The security of your data and documents is a priority
Desktale is a service provided by Fattura24 Srl
At Fattura24, we are so certain of the value of Desktale’s services that we were the first to use them. This means that the security of your data is as important to us as the security of our own.
ISO 9001:2015 certification
To give customers confidence in the way we work and in the efficiency of our services, Fattura24 has above all designed and adopted business processes based on a Quality Management System that complies with the ISO 9001:2015 standard; this system has been Certified by Bureau Veritas.
The servers used by Fattura24 for Desktale are currently located at the Italian Data Center operated by Aruba, a well-established Italian company, that is ISO 27001 and CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers Europe) certified, and at Wasabi's European data centre (located in the Amsterdam Science Park, ISO 27001 certified and equipped with data protection systems meeting Security Standards Council - PCI DSS standards). Both operators are of course subject to the requirements of the new Regulation (EU) 679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the processing and free movement of personal data; the operators’ privacy notices are published on their websites.
The above servers are under 24-hour, year-round surveillance and have efficient, secure infrastructure (e.g., biometric readers and two-factor authentication for people accessing server rooms), chosen for its ability to guarantee Fattura24 stability and security.
Our software – transmission requirements
Our Desktale software is developed and maintained internally by Fattura24. This allows us to have full control of the entire process involved in developing and managing/maintaining features and to guarantee our users the maximum degree of confidentiality.
Protection is a key aspect of an online service such as Desktale. This is why, to meet security requirements and protect your data, we have chosen to use SSL encryption.
The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol - known also as TLS – is now the standard solution for ensuring the security of online transactions, regardless of the type of service (internet banking, e-commerce, e-government, etc.) or the sector (manufacturing, services, telecommunications, transport, utilities, public sector organisations, etc.).
Backup policy
A full backup of Fattura24’s data assets, including those used by Desktale, is carried out every 24 hours.
The backups are stored in a separate object storage system and retained for a week.
Additional services and external providers
Ticketing system within the user interface
Desktale users can request support from Fattura24 by either sending an email to (our email provider is Aruba), or, if they prefer, by using the written ticketing system accessible from directly within Desktale’s user interface.
Fattura24 does not currently use third-party cookies for browser data on the website.
Review service
To continue to ensure the greatest possible transparency towards both current and potential users of our services, and therefore towards the market in the broader sense, Fattura24 may use the review services offered by specialist providers for Desktale.
In this event, we will publish the name and details of the chosen operator.