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In the Desktale Users section you can set as users of your Organization's account one or more of your contributors, and you can view or edit their profile tabs.

There is only one Super Administrator (legal representative of the ORGANIZATION).

Users may have the status of Administrator Users or Regular Users.

Click on the Impostazioni (in Setting), then on the Users item to access the Users List.



To create a new User, click on NEW; fields will appear for you to fill in.

Complete the following fields:

  • Name (required field);
  • Last name (required field);
  • Email (required field);
  • Role (define the level of the contributor o Desktale, between Super Administrator, User Administrator, User);
  • Language (for GUI, English by default);
  • Colour: assign a default colour for the User (Colori, Colori, Colori, Colori), or create and assign a custom colour by using the standard hexadecimal colour code;
  • Mail signature (this is the text at the bottom of each email that will be sent).

If you want to enable the option to have the contributor receive the ticket preview via email, enable the Allow ticket notifications via email field by clicking on Configurazione / Impostazioni to confirm receipt (Configurazione / Impostazioni).

Choose which users to grant permissions to access other users' messages (Has access to these users feature) and to access specific folders (Has access to these folders feature).

Once you have completed all the information, click on SAVE to confirm; you will receive the following notice An invitation has been sent to user email.

In case the email does not arrive, or when it is deleted in error, click on RESEND INVITATION.


To make your edit, click on the line of the profile you want to edit to access its personal file for example: Giuseppe Ferrari.


Let's look in detail at the editing options.


Click on a user to enter his or her personal file, and then on DELETE to delete it.

A tab will appear, where you will have to confirm your choice; if you confirm, his/her profile will disappear from all the lists he/she was on.

This feature also applies in case you want to delete your own profile as an administrator user on Desktale.

On Desktale, however, the Super Administrator profile cannot be deleted.


This action is allowed only for the Super Administrator and any administrator users.